Mastering Kubernetes: Master k8s from A to Z

Mastering Kubernetes: Master k8s from A to Z

English | MP4 | AVC 1920×1080 | AAC 44KHz 2ch | 106 Lessons (8h 38m) | 1.77 GB

Ready to dive into the world of Kubernetes, the leading open-source container orchestration engine? Welcome to the comprehensive Kubernetes course. Kubernetes, or K8s, has revolutionized the way we deploy, scale, and manage applications, making it a must-know tool for modern developers and DevOps engineers.

In this course, you’ll gain a deep understanding of Kubernetes and its use cases. You’ll learn how K8s works and how to use it, exploring all the main components like Pods, Deployment, Services, ConfigMap, Secrets, Volumes, Service Discovery, Jobs, RBAC, and more. The course is designed to be practical, and we’ll go through a real-world use case where we’ll deploy a full-stack application using a microservices architecture.

  • Kubernetes Architecture: Dive into the underlying structure and operations of Kubernetes. Learn about its components, their interactions, and how Kubernetes orchestrates containers.
  • Docker Images and Containers: Understand Docker Images and Containers, the building blocks of Dockerized applications. Learn how to create, manage, and deploy them.
  • Volumes and Networking: Explore how Kubernetes manages persistent data using Volumes and enables communication between containers with its networking capabilities.
  • Debugging and Security: Master essential techniques to troubleshoot your Kubernetes containers and ensure their security. Learn about Kubernetes security best practices and how to implement them.
  • Best Practices: Get acquainted with industry-standard practices for using Kubernetes. Learn about common patterns, practices, and conventions for effective and efficient use of Kubernetes.
Table of Contents

1 What is Kubernetes
2 Master and Control Plane
3 Worker Nodes
4 Running Kubernetes Clusters
5 Installing Docker
6 Installing Minikube
7 Installing Kubectl
8 Kubernetes Hello World
9 Exploring Cluster
10 SSH Into Nodes
11 Startling and Stopping Cluster
12 Cluster with 2 nodes
13 Minikube Logs
14 Pods
15 Imperative vs Declarative Management
16 Create pods Imperative Command
17 Create pods Using Declarative Configuration
18 Pod yaml config Overview
19 Create and Delete Resources
20 List Resources
21 Kubectl Describe
22 Formatting Output
23 Logs
24 Shell Access To A Running Pod
25 Access Pod via Port Forward
26 List All Resource Types
27 Kubectl Cheatcheat
28 Dont use pods on its own
29 Deployments Overview
30 Creating Deployment
31 Managing Deployments
32 Replica Sets Overview
33 Listing Replicate Sets
34 Port Forward Deployments
35 Scaling Deployment Replicas
36 Rolling Updates
37 Rolling Updates In Action
38 Rollbacks
39 Manage Your Cluster Using Declarative Approach
40 Revision History Limit
41 Configure Deployment Rolling Strategy
42 Pausing and Resuming Rollouts
43 Kubernetes Service
44 Customer Microservice Deployment
45 Exercise
46 Exercise Sol
47 Mircoservice Communication using POD IP address
48 ClusterIP Service
49 Inspecting ClustreIP Service and Endpoints with Kubectl
50 Cluster IP Service In Action
51 NodePort Service
52 Createting NodePort Service
53 Accessing API with NodePort Service
54 NodePort with Random Port
55 Accessing NodePort Service Using Cluster IP Address
56 LoadBalancer Service
57 Exercise
58 Full Stack App exposed with LoadBalancer Service
59 Default Kuberenetes Service
60 Labels
61 Selectors
62 Labels and Selectors with Objects
63 Querying with In and NotIn
64 Annotations
65 Service Discovery and DNS
66 CoreDNS & DNS Resolution
67 Accessing services from Different namespaces
68 Endpoints
69 Kube-Proxy
70 Intro to Volumes
71 EmptyDir Volume Part 1
72 EmptyDir Volume Part 2
73 HostPath Volume
74 Other Volume Types
75 PersistentVolumes
76 Persistent Volume SubSystem
77 Create PersistentVolume and PresistentVolumeClaim
78 PersistentVolume and PresistentVolumeClaim in Action
79 What are ConfigMaps
80 Creating ConfigMap Declaratively
81 ConfigMaps Using Imperative Command
82 ConfigMaps and Environment Variables
83 ConfigMaps and Volumes
84 Mount Multiple ConfigMaps in same Folder
85 Kubernetes Secrets
86 GenericSecret
87 Consuming Secrets with Volumes and Environment Variables
88 Secrets are not Secrets in Kubernetes
89 ImagePullSecrets
90 Secret Types
91 Namesapaces
92 Creating Namespaces
93 Using Namespaces
94 Kubens
95 NS Cross Communication and Network Policies
96 Kubernetes Health Checks
97 Liveness Probe
98 Readiness Probe
99 Resource Management
100 Resource Requests and Limits
101 Lets max out our cluster
102 Jobs
103 Running Tasks with Kubernetes
104 DeamonSet
105 Lets create Fluentd DeamonSet
106 StatefulSets
