Learning GitHub

Learning GitHub

English | MP4 | AVC 1280×720 | AAC 48KHz 2ch | 2h 11m | 332 MB

GitHub is the industry-stand tool for collaborating on and sharing code. It’s popular among software developers, project managers, designers, and students for its flexibility and control. This course introduces GitHub and Git, the version control system that GitHub is built upon. Instructor Aaron Stewart, a training content specialist at GitHub, explains the benefits of version control, how to navigate GitHub and the command line, how GitHub and Git are related, and the best practices for communication and collaboration on GitHub. Aaron also reviews the most common tasks, such as branching, commits, and pull requests, and shows you how to create a simple local project and move it to GitHub to share with your team. Once you have completed the course, you should be able to immediately start using Git and GitHub to manage your own code.

Topics include:

  • What is GitHub?
  • The GitHub workflow
  • Using the command line
  • Creating branches
  • Making a commit
  • Creating and merging pull requests
  • Working locally with GitHub Desktop
  • Creating a new project
  • Moving the project to GitHub
  • Working with teams on GitHub
  • Creating task lists
  • Formatting text
Table of Contents

1 Version control and collaboration with GitHub
2 Using lab.github.com

The Basics of Working on GitHub
3 What is Git
4 What is GitHub
5 Exploring GitHub
6 The GitHub workflow Idea to commit
7 The GitHub workflow Pull request to production
8 Get started with GitHub Learning Lab

Working Locally with the Command Line
9 Why you should love the command line
10 Merge your pull request
11 Preparing to use the command line
12 Configuring some Git options
13 Assign yourself to your first issue
14 Create your first branch
15 Making your first commit
16 Understanding where file changes go
17 Create your first pull request
18 Responding to a review

Working Locally with GitHub Desktop
19 Understanding remote and local
20 Tools for working locally with Git
21 Getting our project ready on GitHub Desktop
22 Create a branch and make a commit
23 Create a pull request and make another commit
24 Merge branch and push to GitHub

Moving Your Project to GitHub
25 My project isn’t on GitHub yet
26 Create a new project
27 Prepare your project
28 Make the move
29 Public vs. Private
30 What is open source and should I do it

Working with Others on GitHub
31 Organizations and teams on GitHub
32 Create a task list
33 Add headers to unformatted content
34 Add images and links
35 Create ordered and unordered lists
36 Use bold and italics in text

37 Next steps